VA - Skatepunkers Forum Comp Vol 13 - Bburn (2010)

short & fast
there's no song longer than 2min

01. Much the same - living a lie
02. Forus - lifelong sofa ride
03. Hero of our time - thieves and murderers
04. Dumprilonger - judgement day
05. IVS - unholy delinquents
06. Jet market - evolution throught extinction
07. Mute - fading out
08. Waterweed - cue ball is chaos
09. The Johnsons - the lawndart assassins
10. This Is A Standoff - you won't pass
11.Sportloto - faster!
12. Laughing in the face of - sex punch
13. Never been famous - joker
14. Ginger - the time keeper
15. Faith - the last shriek of the dragon
16. Mute the silence - pillows on the wall
17. Sunsgrind - owing to you
18. Beerbong - space
19. Belvedere - early retirement
20. Cigar - laundry basket
21. Handheld - sharp point
22. Straightaway - funk da place
23. Lungs - radical science
24. Phinius gage - we swear too much
25. No trigger - you said it
26. A wilhelm scream - career suicide

Do you to share your own compilations with all the skatepunkers scene?